Scholarship Debunking Payne

(*Special thanks to Paul Gorski for assisting in compiling these resources.) 

Assault on Kids (Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education)

Roberta Ahlquist (Author, Editor), Theresa Montano (Author, Editor), Paul Gorski (Author, Editor) 

Baker, B., Ng, J., and Rury, J.  (2006, June 7).  Questioning a speaker’s knowledge of poverty.  Education Week, 6.

Bohn, A. (2006, Winter). A framework for understanding Ruby Payne. Rethinking Schools, 21(2). 

Bomer, R., Dworin, J. E., May, L., & Semingson, P. (2008). Miseducating teachers about the poor: A critical analysis of Ruby Payne's claims about poverty. Teachers College Record, 110(11). 

Bomer, R., Dworin, J. E., May, L., & Semingson, P. (2009, June 3). What’s wrong with a deficit perspective? Teachers College Record. Retrieved 12 June 2009 from 

Dudley-Marling, C. (2007). Return of the deficit. Journal of Educational Controversy, 2(1). Retrieved 29 June 2009 from 

Dudley-Marling, C., & Lucas, K. (2009, May). Pathologizing the language and culture of poor children. Language Arts, 86(5), 362-370.

Dworin, J. E., & Bomer, R. (2008, January). What we all (supposedly) know about the poor: A critical discourse analysis of Ruby Payne’s “Framework.” English Education, 40(2), 101-121.

Gorski, P. (2006a, February 9). The Classist underpinnings of Ruby Payne’s Framework. Teachers College Record. Retrieved 24 June 2007 from 

———. (2008). Peddling poverty for profit: Elements of oppression in Ruby Payne's Framework. Equity & Excellence in Education, 41(1), 130-148. 

———. (2006b, July 19). Responding to Payne’s Response. Teachers College Record. Retrieved 12 June 2009 from 

———. (2006c, Winter). Savage unrealities: Classism and racism around Ruby Payne's Framework. Rethinking Schools, 21(2). 

———. (2008, April). The myth of the “Culture of Poverty.” Educational Leadership, 65(7), 32-36. 

Howley, C. B., Howley, A. A., Howley, C. W., & Howley, M. D. (2006). Saving the children of the poor in rural schools. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, California. Available at 

Howley, C. B., Howley, A. A., & Huber, D. S. (2005). Prescriptions for rural mathematics instruction: Analysis of the rhetorical literature. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 20(7), 1–16.

Jones, S. (2006). Girls, social class, and literacy: What teachers can do to make a difference. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

An African Centered Response to Ruby Payne's Poverty Theory [Paperback]
Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu

Ng, J., & Rury, J.  (2009, Winter).  Problematizing Payne and understanding poverty:  An analysis with data from the 2000 census.  Journal of Educational Controversy, 4(1).

Ng, J., & Rury, J.  (2006, July 20).  Responding to Payne’s response.  Teachers College Record.  Retrieved from [ ] ID# 12610.

Ng, J. C., & Rury, J. L. (2006, July 18). Poverty and education: A critical analysis of the Ruby Payne phenomenon. Teachers College Record. Retrieved 24 June 2007 from 

Osei-Kofi, N. (2005). Pathologizing the poor: A framework for understanding Ruby Payne's work. Equity & Excellence in Education, (38), 367–375. 

Redeaux, M. (2011, July-August). The culture of poverty reloaded. Monthly Review, 63(3).

Sato, M., & Lensmire, T. J. (2009, January). Poverty and Payne: Supporting teachers to work with children of poverty. Phi Delta Kappan, 9(5), 365-370.

Smiley, A. D. Becoming teachers: The Payne effect. Multicultural Perspectives.

Starnes, B. A. (2008, June). On lilacs, tap-dancing, and children of poverty. Phi Delta Kappan. 779-780.

Thomas, P. L. (2010, November 28). Our faith in a "culture of poverty" never left. The Daily Censored. 

———. (2010, July). The Payne of addressing race and poverty in public education: Utopian accountability and deficit assumptions of middle class America. Souls, 12(3), 262-283.

———. (2009b). Shifting from deficit to generative practices: Addressing impoverished and all students. Teaching Children of Poverty, 1(1). Retrieved 13 September 2009 from  

Weiderspan, J. P., & Danziger, S. K. (2009). Review: A framework for understanding poverty. Social Work, 54(4), 376.